
Wednesday, April 23, 2014


We've been diving into money these past few weeks, and boy are we motivated!

Here are some tips to help at home.

1.) First graders are really good at telling you what coins they have, but struggle with counting up the money amount. Help with this transition by asking them to sort the coins tell you how much each coin is worth, then add up the total cents.
2.) Hands-on practice at home.
3.) Do quick a quick game of coin grab. They grab a handful of coins and have to count out the amount.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Easter Fun

Bunny Foot Measuring

Non Standard Measurement

Recording Sheets

Building our Easter Baskets

Curious George Bunch
And.....The First Grade Classes/Library Received our Grant!!!!!!!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Short Week

Welcome back! We are going to really power through our four day week. Starting off with a new spelling list, learning about money and time, and starting our Animal Projects. We are so excited to start our spring activities.

1.) School carnival this Friday. Remember, Miss Hughs and I will be running the duck pond ; )
2.) We will be working with pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. Also, we will start looking at time in half-hour increments.
3.) Remember, homework is due back the Wednesday after it was sent home. I like to give a full week to get it done because of sports, church, and family time.
4.) Congrats to our Bobcat Award winner, Tayvin! What a great job you've done this ENTIRE year with being a nice friend to all.

5.) AND congrats to all of our No Tardies award winners!