
Sunday, April 24, 2016

April Showers Bring May Flowers

April went by in the blink of an eye! 

A full week of school?!?  Let's hope we can survive after being spoiled with back-to-back short weeks!

SAVE THE DATE--We will be having a Mother's Day Breakfast on Thursday, May 5 from 7:30-8:00.  

Wednesday is Administrative Professionals Day aka Secretaries Day.  If you see Mrs. Z be sure to thank her for all she does.  She is AMAZING!

The classroom carnival is Friday.  Come enjoy some fun games and family time!  I hope to see you there!

We are still finishing our Fairy Tales and will be publishing them to SeeSaw this week.

We will be starting our geometry unit in math.  We will start out with solid figures.  We will learn some new math vocabulary to help us identify solid figures such as faces, vertices, and edges.  We will have lots of fun in math this week!

Why is the light up high?

Wishing you well,
Mrs. Dimock

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Another Short Week!

Hello, families!

We've had a wonderful week full of learning money, finishing our fairy tales, and digging deep into our Amy Krouse author study. 

Next week, we have no school on Friday, April 22nd. 

In reading, we will continue with Unit 6: A Perfect Place to Live and begin selection 2 in reading groups. Our question we will be trying to answer is, "What is a habitat?". This is great background knowledge for when we start animal reports the following week. 

In writing, we are finishing up fairy tales, with some students even ready to publish! They are doing such a great job on these!

In spelling, we will be covering long a words using ai and ay.
rain, nail, wait, brain, way, play, tray, say, again, said
I can't play in the rain.
HFW: there, walk

In math, we will continue coins and review time. It is important for the kiddos to be practicing both at home, as these are "real" life math concepts.

Again, if you have any questions about the curriculum or what your child should be working on, give me a call or email!

Wishing you well,
Mrs. Dimock

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Short Week 4/11/16

Hello, Families!

Our time unit went fantastically! The kiddos were super engaged and excited for learning. Thanks for supporting them at home with bringing a zoo stuffed animal!

This week, will still have spelling. We are working on "Y Bandit." It is unit 6 week 1.

baby, silly, easy, city, piece, chief, field, puppy, everybody, very
The baby is silly.

High Frequency Words: something, dog, again

In writing, we are continuing with our fairy tales. These kiddos have such imaginations and I am excited to see how they end up next week!

In math, we are starting our money unit, covering pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. Support at home is greatly appreciated!

We are continuing with our Author Study of Amy Krouse. This week we will be reading, "Duck! Rabbit." If you had read the blog post a few weeks ago, we were supposed to read this book, but at the last minute, I was offered the chance to be a part of this author study. I saved it for this week, but we'll be doing the same project.

Just a reminder, we are still missing a few picture packets and report card envelopes. Please return those as soon as possible.

Also, the school carnival is coming up at the end of this month. To raise support, first grade is in charge of the Family Fun and Games basket. If you can, please donate!

Wishing you well,
Mrs. Dimock

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Update 4/4/16

This is one of our lucky weeks where we get a full week to catch-up and get back to routine!

he, she, eat, seat, each, keep, queen, these, where, teacher
Where is the teacher?

listens, school

Writing: We will continue our Fairy Tales Unit. This week we will be planning our fairy tales and begin the drafting and revising process. I can't wait to see what the kiddos come up with! They have quite the imagination!

Reading: We are in Unit 5 Week 4, so it is a week of review and wrapping up our phonics and comprehension skills. Our reading comp lessons will focus on understanding the vocab and author's meaning, while also revisiting tools and strategies we can use to figure it out!

Math: This is one of my favorite units in math! We get to start time to the hour and half hour. I've got a whole week full of activities to help your kiddos become clock masters! We will be doing a wrap-up activity where the kiddos will get to bring a stuffed zoo animal to school. With their new skills, the kiddos will be able to prepare a zoo schedule to take care of their stuffed animals. We will work up to reading, writing, and telling time throughout the week!

If you have any questions regarding report cards, please get in contact with me sooner rather than later so we can discuss goals/plans for the kiddos. For those of you that scheduled conferences this week, let me know if any time conflicts arise! I'd rather reschedule that have a no-show. 

Also, spring pictures went home Friday. If you don't want the photos, send them back to school. If you do order photos, send money and the leftovers back as well. Any questions? Get a hold of PTA or the front office. 

Thanks for all that you do! This last quarter is going to fly by!

Mrs. Dimock