
Sunday, January 3, 2016

Welcome to 2016!

I hope you had a great winter break! My husband and I enjoyed a snowy Christmas with family in Cody, Wyoming and I spent the rest of break catching up on some reading, prepping the classroom for the new activities, and catching up with friends.

This week we will begin unit 3 of our reading series. It is called, "In My Neighborhood," and focuses on social studies themes, "how communities are alike and different, how jobs affect a community, and how geography and economics affect the way people work and play in a community."

Spelling words are:
sand, jump, tent, lamp, milk, help, went, desk, next, want
You can jump with him.

In math, we will begin our tens and ones unit and wrap up Quarter 2 skills. Can you believe we're already almost half way through the year?!

In writing, we will give our writing assessments for how-to, opinion, and informational pieces. We will also begin our Opinion unit. First graders are usually pretty good at opinions, but we are excited to begin teaching them how to use facts to support their opinions.

Socially, we will be spending some time reviewing school and classroom rules. That means high expectations from all staff at Bitterroot. We will have homework going home, which I expect back by Friday, and as always, help your littles study for the weekly spelling test! If I find that some of the kiddos are having a hard time bouncing back from holiday break, I may be calling home to set up a behavior meeting.

Here are some photos from our last week of 2015! Also, congrats, Zander, on your Purple Hand nomination!

Christmas Program
Reading our gift exchange books
Watching "Polar Express"

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