
Monday, February 13, 2017

Valentine's Day

We have our Valentine's Party tomorrow. We won't celebrate until after lunch, as to keep the day as "normal" as possible. Although it's a short week, we have a lot of discovering left to do!

In reading, we are entering Unit 4 Week 2. Our Essential Question is: "How do animals help each other?" Our high frequency words are because, blue, into, or, other, small. Our spelling pattern is ee, ea, and long e. 

In writing, we will be doing some writing projects centered around Presidents Day and Valentine's Day. We are taking a step back and focusing on capitals, periods, spacing, and does it make sense?

In math, we continue to work with adding numbers within 100. Students are expected to use patterns and strategies to help them solve the equations quickly, but not just memorizing answers. This is where fact fluency 1-20 is serving them well!

Adding a behavior update: We are still working on doing as we are told the first time, having learning stamina to be able to sit for no more than 10 minutes for a lesson, and also our new phrase, "I cannot do whatever I want whenever I want. I am part of a school family." Any support at home is greatly appreciated!

Have a great week and another shout out to the volunteers helping provide snacks for our party!!

-Mrs. Dimock

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