
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Update 1/15/14

Happy Wednesday! We've had a busy assessment week with math and reading. Thanks for all of the support!

Reminders: Spelling Test on Friday. Study, study, study! Also, we are coming into some warmer weather, but still pack mittens and boots just in case. Homework was sent home (Math, snowman adding paper) and is due next Wednesday, January, 22nd. Book-a-night will be sent home again tomorrow, and needs to come back Friday. I will try try try to remember poetry binders this Friday. Initial the poem closest to the cover and send back on Monday. Library books will be due Tuesday! Remember, no school on Monday!!

We are running low on snacks! If anyone would like to donate more, that would be great! The kiddos are loving the animal crackers, goldfish, and pretzels. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Keller for already sending a re-stock earlier this week!

I am looking for any parent volunteers that have passed the back ground check to help out with some math games/groups. Any takers? Comment below or send an email! Thanks!


  1. I would love to come and help in the classroom. My best days are Mondays, Wed, Fridays. I am not sure if I did the background check? I think I did :) I will check. Thanks, Ally Toone (Dallas's Mom)

  2. Awesome! I'll take a look at our schedule, but I know for sure we need "helpers" during centers 8:45-10:00! I'll double check the background check, also. Mrs. Zimmerman has the list, too. Thanks, Ally!
