
Friday, March 31, 2017

Getting Ready for the Last Quarter!!

Report cards go home today.  Remember BE PROUD OF YOUR KIDDO'S ACCOMPLISHMENTS!  First grade is hard, especially third quarter.  These kiddos worked their tails off this quarter and gave it their all.  After reviewing your kiddo's report card please send the empty, signed envelope back to school.

Mark your calendars...Friday, May 12 will be a busy day for first graders at Bitterroot.  First grade will be hosting our second annual Mother's Day breakfast from 7:30-8:05.  More information will be coming out at a later date.  We will also be having a spring music performance from 1:15-1:45 in the gym.  Hope to see you at both events!

We need volunteers to help out with our end of the year field trip to Riverfront Park on Friday, May 26.  We will need help from 10:00am to 12:30pm.  Responsibilities include running a game station, eating lunch with a small group of kiddos, and going on a nature walk as a class.  You must have a background check completed before attending.  Mrs. Z can hook you up with a background check form.  These take a few weeks to get back so it would be wise to get it done now.  If you are interested in volunteering please let me know.

This week we will be working on many fun concepts! In reading, we will answer "What sounds can you hear? How are they made?" In math, we will continue to work with time to the hour and half hour, writing it both analog and digital. Spelling we will go into ou and ow words. Keep up the great work, parents! Your kiddos are doing so well with your support.

Wishing you well,
Mrs. Dimock

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