
Sunday, May 15, 2016

14 Days!

We had such a blast with career day costumes on Tuesday! The kiddos were so excited to dress up and share why they wanted to be in that career field. 

It is crunch time! If you have unpaid lunch tickets, lost library books, or any other must do, please get it done before the end of school. We are getting tile flooring in our rooms starting the week after school gets out, so it will be difficult (if not impossible) to get in the building.

This will be the last week for poems. As you may have noticed, the kiddos didn't have their poetry binders this Friday. I felt badly sending home a poem about summer when we had such silly weather. ; )

I am still finishing up assessments. WOW! Our kids have made such great progress this last quarter. Please make sure to continue sending your kiddo each day so that he/she doesn't miss out on the end of the year assessments. Thanks!

I have had plenty of volunteers for both field day and the field trip. Currently 3 for field day and 4 for field trip, but if any one else would like to join in, we always have room for more help!

Our animal reports are going so well! I can't wait for them to finish writing and move onto illustrating so we can get them home for you to see. 

Thanks for all that you do,
Mrs. Dimock

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